Spam Email -- God Hates the Interweb

Written by Awkward Situations on Saturday, April 07, 2007

Below are some of the things that I find in my email inbox every morning after I sip down a barrel or two of coffee with a chocolate spoon. (spoons are sic)
Apparently, they don't know if Im a man or not. Obviously they aren't trying to care. Spammers..
Womens Menstrual Pains -- Now can be alleviated with Dexstratien!
LEARN MORE BELOW.. (link removed becuase it contained a virus, and I wouldn't let you guys download a virus, especially considering we have only just met)

Get A "Bigger" sight on your next girlfriends night over. Pleasure her in ways you never thought possible.

Honestly Im going to stop there.. the rest of them are just nigerian lottery scam mails, 404 emails, "YOU WON OMFG" emails, and.. I digress.

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