Worst Games Ever -- ET

Written by Awkward Situations on Monday, June 25, 2007

This review was funny so I decided to post it. It's not by me, it's be quadrine. A very good reviewer who is quite funny. Anyways enjoy..

Why I stayed with Blogger..

Written by Awkward Situations on Friday, June 22, 2007

I think a majority of the reason I stayed with Blogger is becuase of it's simplicity. Wordpress is a great blog publishing system, don't get me wrong, but it seems (TO ME AT LEAST, DURHH) hard to use. Maybe I'm just an idiot, but really I just don't like any other choice besides Blogger. Another thing is this post actually isn't an advertisement venture or an attempt to purseude you into staying if your thinking about switching, although it could be if I want it to. (evil grin) But I digress.

I would love to hear some of your reasons for staying with Blogger to post your blog or such, and how easy it is to use compared to other big name blogging softwares such as Wordpress. And Yeah. Randomness in this post is obvious.

I would post a picture of the Blogger Icon and a "VS" icon and then the Wordpress icon but who do you think I am, a popular blogging outlet?

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl --VideoGames--

Written by Awkward Situations on Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hey guys. How's it going? Today's post is concerning poke'mon games, from Blue, Red, Green and Yellow, up to Sapphire, Ruby, LF, FR, Emerald and beyond ie: (the newest games, Diamond and Pearl).

This post is concerning Poke'mon Diamond and Pearl, two equally good games for your Nintendo DS system. The system itself in these games hasn't changed other than using the touch screen to select options on battles and certain other events. The actual graphics have of course (if you've seen some of the screen's) improved with the introduction into 3D that Poke'mon in my opinion so desperately needed, the day and night cycle is back in which time goes by your own ds eternal clock from daytime, nightime and everything inbetween.

It's overall story is pretty much like Emerald, and it's overall gameplay with the DS touch screen doesn't add much, but it's a solid game and at least a few weeks worth of fun for any DS owner. If your checking out games for the DS, You should consider giving one of these games a look see. They aren't amazingly well amazing, but they do provide enertainment and are pretty fun ways to eliminate work stress or just to play when you need something to do.

Addictive, fun and simple, Poke'mon Diamond and Pearl present themselves are games for the avid expert, and new coming poke'mon trainer alike. They have an easy system that's not hard to pick up, play and have fun with either.

All and all it's a solid game that should keep your ds on for awhile, so with that I give it a solid 9.2 out of 10.


A Blast From the Past -- 90's Televsion -- Goosebumps

Written by Awkward Situations on Friday, June 08, 2007

Remember Goosebumps? Well if you don't it was a fairly long running series of shows based on the Goosebumps books by children's horror writer R.L. Stine. Obviously it's not full of gore, curse words and sexually explicit items, but it's still a creepy show, even today when im much older. I hope you appreciate it, and for the sake of being corny, Viewer beware, your in for a scare!

Online Videos by Veoh.com

Republican Candidate Soon to be Chosen...

Written by Awkward Situations on Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I just heard about this so it's most likely old news but apparently a debate is going to happen tomorrow deciding the candidate for the Republican party's run for the White House. *crosses fingers* GO RUDY 2008! lol. Now while most mainstream liberals think Rudy is just a flip flopper (with who other but Kerry to back them up, notabaly the most flip flopping rabbit of them all.

Anyways this should be rather interesting. Will update when the results come in. RUDY, RUDY, RUDY! *MCCAIN!* *slaps* RUDY!

Those crazy Japanese pop boy bands..

Written by Awkward Situations on Sunday, June 03, 2007

Well there's no denying some of you out there love groups like the w-inds and Lead, but this post ties in with my favorite of the two, (considering I've only heard a few, besides EuroPop) Lead. Their new single "DriveAlive" contains a whole bunch of great pop songs, but the best one, is DriveAlive. To understand this just watch below, (note: If you dislike this two men will break into your house and molester you! (Just kidding, FBI.)

I think the video does this post enough justice, Lead is a great band. And unlike N'sync and other american pop boy bands the ones in Japan and Asia in a whole have a shelf life past 2 years and hold their "in" crowd for a long time. Enjoy!

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