The Miner Situation..

Written by Awkward Situations on Friday, August 10, 2007


Well this month hasn't shaped up very well, with the bridge collapse, and now these poor trapped miners and their families. They apparently tried to stick a microphone down into where they believe these miners are, but haven't had an audio responses. Oddly enough the air is said to be very healthy down there do to the low co2 ammount and the fact that there is alot of it, oxygen that is. Now assuming they hit the wrong area, or the miners are hurt and simply not speaking maybe becuase they are asleep or passed out, or can't speak due to the injuries if they have any.

It's important to note that the man who bashed the AP and Fox News is not the president of the united states. Although I can see why he would be frusrated, I don't like the fact that he was yelling due to a simple mistake in reporting. But it's his problem and I hope he gets it sorted out. I know these guys are stressed and I do hope they find these men and their pain can end just as these miners pain can end if they find them.
Anyways I hope you will pray or at least hope these men get out safely and most importantly alive. God Bless!

(Images copyright 2007 to the Fox News Channel, and I in no way claim these as my own).

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