Does Youtube have a democratic bais?
Written by Awkward Situations on Saturday, August 25, 2007It seems like it to me. I mean alot of people on there seem to hate religion, specifically christianity, and further more republican ideals. I just think as an Independant that it needs to be leveled out. Neither side has it right in my opinion, but of course this is going to be bashed I know. Anyways whats your opinion? I'm open to hearing it guys.
2 comments: Responses to “ Does Youtube have a democratic bais? ”
By Hollymb on August 25, 2007 at 4:27 PM
I don't get onto youtube much, but that may just be the views of the people uploading the videos. I've never noticed a problem.
By Awkward Situations on August 27, 2007 at 9:10 AM
Yeah I agree. Not everyone on there is biased to stuff. But oh well. Thanks for stopping by Cristle. =)