Why I stayed with Blogger..

Written by Awkward Situations on Friday, June 22, 2007

I think a majority of the reason I stayed with Blogger is becuase of it's simplicity. Wordpress is a great blog publishing system, don't get me wrong, but it seems (TO ME AT LEAST, DURHH) hard to use. Maybe I'm just an idiot, but really I just don't like any other choice besides Blogger. Another thing is this post actually isn't an advertisement venture or an attempt to purseude you into staying if your thinking about switching, although it could be if I want it to. (evil grin) But I digress.

I would love to hear some of your reasons for staying with Blogger to post your blog or such, and how easy it is to use compared to other big name blogging softwares such as Wordpress. And Yeah. Randomness in this post is obvious.

I would post a picture of the Blogger Icon and a "VS" icon and then the Wordpress icon but who do you think I am, a popular blogging outlet?

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