Those crazy Japanese pop boy bands..

Written by Awkward Situations on Sunday, June 03, 2007

Well there's no denying some of you out there love groups like the w-inds and Lead, but this post ties in with my favorite of the two, (considering I've only heard a few, besides EuroPop) Lead. Their new single "DriveAlive" contains a whole bunch of great pop songs, but the best one, is DriveAlive. To understand this just watch below, (note: If you dislike this two men will break into your house and molester you! (Just kidding, FBI.)

I think the video does this post enough justice, Lead is a great band. And unlike N'sync and other american pop boy bands the ones in Japan and Asia in a whole have a shelf life past 2 years and hold their "in" crowd for a long time. Enjoy!

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  1. 1 comments: Responses to “ Those crazy Japanese pop boy bands.. ”

  2. By Tina Silva on June 4, 2007 at 10:00 AM

    I love JPOP! ... though I wish I understood it. I have to find the english translations to all the jpop I listen to. LOL

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