I joined the Myspace.com Group -- Warning, boring rant ahead

Written by Awkward Situations on Friday, May 18, 2007

Well I recently joined Myspace.com after about 2 years of negligence to join. It seems like Myspace has evolved quite a bit since 2005. All of my friends have had an account on Myspace for nearly 3 years going on 4-5 now. It's strange, I don't think Myspace is really a fad more than it is a place for creepy old men to solicit young girls and boys.
I've stayed away from Myspace because of the horrors I've heard from it, (a story about someone who got stalked and stabbed via a Myspace page) could be a normal chain letter or urban legend, I don't know. It just seemed like avoiding the site was the best thing to do until I felt a bit more secure with it. I've got 23 friends so far, most of them I don't even know, some I do, even some up and coming bands which I'm guessing thought my myspace profile was of the Japanese boy band "Lead" by the icon I posted of their hit CD, "DeadAlive".
Well I basically just screwed myself over on that but oh well. I've tried to stay away from friend adders because I feel better getting to know people than just adding random people I don't even know. Some of those included strippers, musicians, random dude with a double chin, and someone who lost their husband in an accident or heart attack or something like that. I respect you if your reading this by the way. It takes courage to fight the tears that come into your eyes when you've lost someone and come to the realization that they will never come back, only in your dreams. Of course you will see them again once you die but I'm rambling on here.
Anyways this is getting boring and random so I'm going to sign off for the night..erm, morning. Good Night... or Morning wherever you guys live.. lol.

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