I want to make friends.. "How do I?" By: TORC
Written by Awkward Situations on Saturday, April 14, 2007This is one of my first large scale "personal improvement" articles so I may seem a bit, eh nervous at times but this is mostly how I am now in life and I figure it might help others.
What makes a man but his soul and his body, his attitudes, his opinions, feelings, etc, etc. I remember the days when I used to worry about making friends in a new school, job or business, it's always and (still is) very tough to do sometimes. But I have learned over the past few years or so (20 or more) that life is a wonderful thing and to share it with others, aka friends, family and relatives, is worth even more to me than just being alone in life.
Today's group of minorities and adolescents are all in to computers, video games, and messing around with drugs. Many of them, simply choose not to be helped, with the excuse that "they are a lost cause". But this isn't true. Reason with your child, ask them to listen, to learn, to hear. Let them speak their mind and speak yours. Don't just roll your eyes and give up. That never works.
A parent needs to just reason with their kid, and tell them they are not a lost cause. Whether they listen or not, eventually it will sink it with them. Once you've gotten your child to open to the world, help him or her make friends. The topic of this subject. They most likely are worried that the kids or people will think they are "gay" or "uncool", or maybe they just don't want to hang out with the "new kid on the block". It's obvious that at least in some schools that will never be the case. (hence, the public schools, which are a hell-hole for any child).
Tell them that to make friends it's better to talk with someone, someone they find interesting or cool. And so what if they don't like you back. You at least tried, so try again, you will eventually make friends no matter how bad the school situation is. Now whether those friends are good or not, has to be ultimately the parents decision.
Note: I am in no way a doctor or a PhD, I'm just giving my honest opinion on the subject, it's not my fault if your kid gets punched in the eye or kicked in the testicles.
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